Abuse on Campus Lawyers
You have the legal right to be free from abuse at your college or university. Title IX of the Civil Rights Act has been used to greatly expand the responsibilities a university has to respond to sexual assault, hate crimes, discrimination and bullying in higher education. The experienced injury lawyers at The Law Offices of Bamieh & De Smeth are here to answer all your questions about the legal rights you have after experiencing abuse on campus in Ventura and Santa Barbara.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a crime. It is important to call the police to report any violent crime. Not only are you in danger, but a predator who is not caught can also hurt other innocent victims on campus. It can be difficult to go through the painful process of reliving your assault for police, prosecutors and a jury. Unfortunately, without this accountability, violent assaults are likely to continue on campus. This is also why it is important to hold universities accountable for providing a safe campus. Title IX of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. As a result, universities that do not appropriately respond to reports of sexual assault can be held liable for victims’ injuries.
Hate Crimes, Discrimination and Bullying
Title IX also prevents other types of discrimination on the basis of sex. Cyber bullying, discrimination, and other harassment can be a violation if it is related to the victim’s gender. Educational institutions have a legal obligation to respond to these reports, as well. Failure to do so can make the university or college liable for injuries victims suffered due to their negligent response to bullying on campus. Sadly, the Government Accountability Office reports that religious hate crimes on U.S. campuses nearly doubled between 2009 and 2017. You should consult with an attorney about your legal rights after suffering religious, racial or similar discrimination on campus.
Your Personal Injuries
Many incidents of abuse on campus result in personal injuries, and a college can be held accountable for negligently failing to protect their students from injuries. This is not just physical injuries. Many types of abuse cause emotional injuries, especially when discrimination or bullying persists over a long period of time. You are entitled to compensation for personal injuries caused by someone else’s negligence. Your personal injuries can include the inability to study, the time you spend at medical and legal appointments, or even the time you lose if you are forced to drop out or delay your studies.
Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys For Ventura and Santa Barbara Campus Abuse Cases
At The Law Offices of Bamieh & De Smeth, we fight hard to keep college campuses safe for everyone. You have the legal right to be free from sexual assault, hate crimes, discrimination and bullying on campus. Our attorneys help clients throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara protect their legal rights after experiencing abuse on campus. Call (805) 643-5555 or visit our website to schedule your free consultation.