What Are The Warning Signs of a Verbally Abusive Relationship?
February 01, 2023Approximately one in 10 men and one in four women have been affected by domestic violence or intimate partner violence in the U.S. Victims of domestic abuse can suffer physical injuries, psychological trauma, or worse, death. Among the female homicide victims in the U.S., over half were killed by past or current intimate partners.
Make no mistake; verbal abuse is domestic abuse. While it may seem harmless, it really isn’t, which is why you should be aware of the warning signs of a verbally abusive relationship.
What Exactly is Verbal Abuse?
Verbal abuse is a form of emotional abuse. It occurs when a person uses words to degrade, manipulate, dominate, assault, or ridicule another person. It is a powerful means of controlling another person. It is immensely crucial to note that verbal abuse usually escalates to physical abuse, but even absent physical abuse, its negative consequences can be just as harmful as physical abuse.
Are You In a Verbally Abusive Relationship?
Many people mistakenly assume that people who are being verbally abused are aware of their situation because verbal abuse normally involves name-calling, screaming, put-downs, and other belittling behaviors. Unfortunately, some people experience verbal abuse regularly without even realizing it because verbal abuse can be very subtle. The following are signs that you’re in a verbally abusive relationship:
- You feel scared or threatened by your partner.
- You feel like you are always walking on eggshells around them.
- You’re afraid of going out with them because you fear what they’ll say to you in public.
- You feel you can’t share details about yourself because you are scared they will ridicule or mock you.
- You feel ashamed, embarrassed, or inferior about yourself.
- Your partner constantly tries to bring you down and always has something negative to say about the way you look, speak, dress, or think.
- Your partner yells at you or goads you into tears but then gaslights you and says that you are being overly sensitive, overthinking things, or that you are only making things up in your head.
- Your partner overreacts to the littlest misunderstandings and blames you for starting an argument.
- Your partner turns every argument or fight around by playing the victim and making you feel guilty about the situation.
- Your partner hides the verbal abuse when there are other people around but continues to abuse you when you’re alone.
If you are being verbally abused, consider taking steps to get out of the situation before it escalates into physical or sexual abuse.
Discuss Your Case With an Experienced Ventura Family Law Attorney Today
If you are afraid of an abusive partner and fear for your life, get out of the house if it’s safe or call the police but do not confront your abuser. If you need legal guidance with domestic abuse or any family law matter, speak to the compassionate Ventura family law attorneys at Bamieh & De Smeth. Schedule your free consultation with our Ventura family law attorney by calling our office at 805-643-5555 or sending us a message online.