Recognizing and Responding to Workplace Sexual Harassment: Legal Options and Resources

July 12, 2024

If you have ever dealt with unwanted sexual advances or a supervisor’s crude joke, you understand the distress caused by sexual harassment. In a recent poll, 40 percent of women admitted to being victims of sexual harassment at some point.

Always unwelcome, sexual harassment in the workplace can make a person afraid to step foot in the office. The impact of workplace sexual harassment is far-reaching, with studies proving that discrimination can lead to depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

If you have been subjected to workplace sexual harassment, our Ventura sexual harassment lawyers would like to hear from you.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment involves any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical intimidation or pressure of a sexual nature. Offensive remarks in reference to a person’s sex also constitute sexual harassment. Although simple teasing or sexual innuendos may seem harmless, over time, they can create a hostile work environment.

A common misconception is that sexual harassment can only occur between a man and a woman. This belief causes many incidences of sexual harassment to go unreported. Additionally, sexual harassment isn't limited to a supervisor’s conduct; it can also come from a co-worker, customer, or supervisor from another department.

Protecting Yourself

Workplace sexual harassment is in direct violation of California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Under California law, workplace sexual harassment includes a variety of offensive conduct. Remarks that attack someone’s gender identity, sexual orientation, and/or pregnancy qualify as sexual harassment.

If you have been sexually harassed in the workplace, it's crucial to take the following steps:

Benefits of Working with a Ventura Sexual Harassment Lawyer

A sexual harassment lawyer has a thorough understanding of discrimination laws and can determine how the other party violated your rights. While you do not need to obtain legal representation to file a sexual harassment complaint, it is wise to acquire representation early on.

An attorney can assist you in clearly stating the circumstances behind the encounter in your complaint. If you leave out pertinent facts, you may be unable to claim maximum relief. A sexual harassment lawyer will also help you in gathering evidence to support your claim.

Once your lawsuit is underway, both parties will exchange information in what is known as discovery. As part of the discovery phase, you will likely be deposed. A deposition involves a witness providing out-of-court testimony. Opposing counsel will most likely try to twist your words, so having legal representation is essential in helping you prepare clear and concise responses.

A Ventura Sexual Harassment Lawyer Offering Aggressive Counsel

Sexual harassment is inexcusable but especially worrisome when it happens on the job. If you have been the victim of workplace sexual harassment, now is the time to acquire legal assistance. To learn more or to schedule your free case evaluation, contact us by phone or complete our online contact form.