Steps to Take in the Adoption Process

November 8, 2024

Bringing another child into your home can be a rewarding experience. While the experience can be gratifying, many prospective parents feel that they are under intense scrutiny by adoption agencies. While understandable, it is important to know that adoption agencies are looking out for the needs of the child and what family will offer the best fit.

If you are considering adoption, our California adoption lawyers can help you navigate the complex adoption process.

How Do I Begin the Adoption Process?

If you are interested in adopting a child in California, you should take the following steps:

  1. Contact your local public adoption agency or California Department of Social Services (CDSS) regional office.
  2. You will speak with an agency representative who will provide an overview of the adoption process, which may include an orientation.
  3. If you decide you do want to adopt, you will need to submit a written application and you will be assigned a caseworker.
  4. You will meet with the caseworker to discuss if you want to adopt a boy or girl and what age or age range you prefer. After discussing the type of child that you are interested in adopting, the case worker will go over the children currently available through the agency.
  5. You will be required to participate in a “family assessment,” which will go over your criminal, employment, and medical background, as well as examine your home life. The agency will determine your ability to provide a stable home environment to a child.

Types of California Adoptions

Adoption establishes a parent-child relationship. Whether you are a stepparent, domestic partner, a relative of the child, or unrelated to the child, you are eligible to become an adoptive parent. California currently offers three ways to adopt a child:

Agency Adoptions

In an agency adoption, you will go through either the California Department of Social Services or an adoption agency, which may be private or public. When you adopt through an agency, the adoption agency will manage the entire process. The first step will involve being interviewed by a caseworker to find out more about your family.

An adoption agency will check in with your family after six months, and if the agency is pleased with the fit, the court will approve the adoption. The birth parents’ rights are terminated once the adoption is finalized.

Independent Adoptions

In an independent adoption, the birth parent(s) will personally select the adoptive parent(s). The birth parents must have personal knowledge about the adoptive parent(s) before relinquishing custody. The birth parents will be required to sign an Independent Adoption Placement Agreement (AD 924), which only gives them 30 days to revoke the adoption.

Intercountry Adoption

If you are looking to adopt a foreign-born child, you may want to consider an intercountry adoption. In this type of adoption, foreign born children are granted a special immigration entry visa which permits them to live in the United States. Ultimately, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) oversees the adoption and makes the final decision regarding placement.

Why Should I Work with a California Adoption Lawyer?

If you are interested in adopting a child, you are likely unfamiliar with adoption laws and protocols in California. When you work with a California adoption lawyer, they will guide you every step of the way, including how to prepare for adoption agency assessments, what paperwork needs to be completed to finalize the adoption, and giving you much-needed encouragement.

Ready to Adopt? Reach Out to Our California Adoption Lawyers

Adopting a child can be an exciting but overwhelming process. If you live in California and are ready to become a parent, our legal team is ready to help put you at ease through the rigorous process of adoption. To schedule a free consultation with one of our California adoption lawyers, contact us online or by phone.