Arrest for Sexual Assault in Santa Barbara
May 6, 2022The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office detectives have captured Michael Angelo Auclair, a suspect in several sexual assault cases that occurred in Isla Vista on February 28, 2022. The arrest occurred without incident on March 5 when the 30-year-old suspect from Port Hueneme was found on A Street and Ocean Avenue in Lompoc. Auclair was booked on a Ramey warrant for indecent exposure and sexual battery, both of which are felonies. His bail is set at $1,000,000.
If you have been sexually assaulted in California, get in touch with our seasoned Santa Barbara sex abuse lawyer right away.
What Exactly is Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault, called sexual battery under California law, occurs when an individual touches another’s intimate parts against their will or without consent, for the purposes of abuse, arousal, or sexual gratification. It can be charged as a felony or misdemeanor. Felony penalties apply if the alleged victim was:
- Unlawfully restrained
- Unaware that they were being sexually assaulted because they were being deceived into believing that the sexual actions were for professional purposes
- Was forced to touch themselves, the defendant’s intimate parts, or another individual’s intimate parts
- Was institutionalized and seriously disabled or medical incapacitated
Misdemeanor sexual assault can include:
- Slapping or squeezing another individual’s buttocks without consent.
- Intentionally fondling someone else’s breasts without their permission.
- Grabbing someone and kissing them without consent.
Felony sexual assault can include:
- Tricking or forcing a mentally disabled and institutionalized individual to masturbate as you or someone else watches.
- Holding another individual down as you take off their clothes and put your hands on their intimate parts.
- A therapist tricking a patient into allowing them to touch their intimate parts as part of a treatment.
Penalties for Sexual Assault
Sexual assault carries serious penalties for convicted offenders. A misdemeanor conviction can lead to six months to a year of jail time and a fine not exceeding $2,000 in most cases. A felony conviction can lead to imprisonment of two up to four years and a fine of up to $10,000.
It is also vital to note that even a misdemeanor conviction of sexual assault will require the convicted offender to register as a tier one sex offender for at least ten years. In addition, a felony conviction will require the offender to register as a tier three offender for the rest of their life. Civil claims against sexual assault offenders have also become increasingly common.
Consult with a Seasoned Santa Barbara Sexual Abuse Lawyer Now
If you or a loved one is facing or has faced sexual abuse in any way, the law office of Bamieh & De Smeth is ready to defend you.
You can learn how to move forward in a free case consultation with our Santa Barbara sexual abuse lawyer. Call our office at 805-643-5555 or reach us online for more details.