Try to Get Photos After a Crash
July 27, 2021If you’ve been injured in a traffic accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you can suffer significant emotional, physical, and financial damages that can be difficult to surmount. The best path forward includes obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled, but this can be difficult without adequate evidence in support of your claim that the other driver is at fault.
After a crash caused by a negligent motorist, seek the professional legal counsel of an experienced Ventura traffic accident attorney today.
After Your Accident
Immediately following a traffic accident, the first order of business – because your health and recovery are paramount – is obtaining the medical attention you need as soon after the accident as possible. Working closely with a dedicated traffic accident attorney who will skillfully advocate for your rights and your rightful compensation is also critical.
At the Accident Scene
While obtaining medical attention and securing experienced legal guidance are important first steps, collecting evidence at the scene of the crash can also prove invaluable. If you are able to do so, taking photos immediately after the accident can help preserve evidence that might otherwise be lost forever. If you are in no condition to do so, however, you do not give up your rights. Often, a bystander at the scene (or a passenger in your vehicle) is very likely able to step in on your behalf.
Keep all of the following in mind as you begin snapping photos post-accident:
- Take photos from every conceivable angle and from a variety of distances to ensure that you capture different perspectives.
- Do not be afraid to get very close and capture the details involved.
- Be sure to get at least one picture that contains both vehicles and both license plates if possible.
- Capture any traffic signs, signals, and/or markings in the vicinity.
- If either vehicle leaves marks on the roadway, snap a photo.
- If there are any extenuating circumstances at play, be sure to capture them in print form. These can include things such as bad weather, impediments to visibility, warning signs, a poorly maintained stretch of road, or anything else that could have played a role.
With the advent of the smartphone, we all have a camera on us at all times, and taking more photos – as opposed to fewer – won’t cost you a thing and may help you prove your claim. In other words, when it comes to photographic evidence, more really is more.
An Experienced Ventura Traffic Accident Attorney Is on Your Side
The resourceful Ventura traffic accident attorneys at The Law Offices of Bamieh & De Smeth, PLC, have the experience, legal insight, and skill to help you obtain just compensation for the damages you’ve suffered as a result of someone else’s negligence on the road. For more information about what we can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at 805-643-5555 today.