What are the Warning Signs of a Verbally Abusive Relationship?

November 01, 2024

Name-calling, put-downs, or other belittling behavior can be alarming signs of a verbally abusive relationship. Verbal abuse is just one component of emotional abuse, which targets an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being.

A verbally abusive partner, spouse, or parent can ruin a person’s sense of self-worth. Even with years of cognitive therapy and medications, the ramifications of a verbally abusive relationship cannot be undone. Furthermore, emotional abuse often leads to physical abuse, placing the victim’s life in peril. If you have experienced or are currently in a verbally abusive relationship, our Ventura restraining order attorneys are here to discuss your legal options.

Signs of Verbal and Emotional Abuse

In a recent study, 29% of women and 23% of men admitted to some form of physical, psychological, or sexual abuse in an intimate relationship during their lifetime. Signs of verbal and emotional abuse may include:

Verbal and emotional abuse is not limited to romantic relationships. If your child has been the victim of abuse, he or she may feel afraid at home. Children need to feel safe in their home environment, and those who experience an abusive environment are more inclined to suffer from mental health issues, substance abuse, and chronic pain as adults.

How Can a Ventura Restraining Order Attorney Help Me?

If you or your child have been the victims of verbal abuse, we can help you get a domestic violence restraining order against your abuser. Upon filing a request for the restraining order, a judge will decide whether to grant you temporary protection. A domestic violence restraining order can offer you and your child the peace of mind that you desperately need.

There are different types of restraining orders available to Ventura abuse victims. A domestic violence restraining order can include any of the following types of orders:

Our Ventura restraining order attorneys can help you decide what type of restraining order is right for you and assist you in filling out the appropriate paperwork with the court. We believe that compassion is key, so we will give you the amount of time you need to arrive at the best decision for you and your child.

Speak with a Ventura Restraining Order Attorney Today

If you or your child have been victims of verbal, emotional, or physical abuse, now is the time to take control of your future. Our Ventura restraining order attorneys are dedicated to helping abuse victims such as yourself find a new lease on life. To schedule your complimentary consultation, contact us online or by phone today.