What is the Adoption Process in CA?

May 7, 2024

Adopting a child can be a gratifying process, allowing a person who may not be in the position to conceive naturally a chance at parenthood. Adopting a child should be an enriching process, but you may also feel that you are under scrutiny by adoption agencies.

If you are considering adopting a child in the Golden State, our California adoption lawyers are here to assist you. In this article, we provide an overview of the adoption process and how an adoption lawyer can assist in the process.

Who Can Be an Adoptive Parent?

Adoption is the legal process of establishing a parent-child relationship with persons other than the birth parents. In California, adoptive parents can be stepparents, domestic partners, relatives of the child’s caretaker, or someone unrelated to the child.

Are There Different Types of Adoptions?

California adoptions can be classified into three categories:

Agency Adoptions

In an agency adoption, the birth parent’s rights are terminated once the adoption is finalized, either through a court order or the parents relinquishing their rights. In agency adoptions, either the California Department of Social Services or an adoption agency (public or private) places the child for adoption.

The adoption agency evaluates prospective adoptive parents, approves a placement, and periodically checks in for at least six months. If the agency is pleased with the placement, the court will approve the adoption.

Independent Adoptions

In an independent adoption, the birth parent(s) select prospective adoptive parent(s) and are able to place the child directly with them. The birth parent(s) must sign an Independent Adoption Placement Agreement (AD 924), which allows the birth parent(s) only 30 days to revoke the adoption. After that time, the form automatically becomes irrevocable.

Intercountry Adoption

In this type of adoption, licensed private adoption agencies assist California residents in adopting foreign-born children. Foreign-born children are given a special immigration entry visa, which allows them to travel and permanently live in the United States.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) makes the final call on the child’s immigration status and the suitability of the prospective adoptive parent(s).

How Do I Find a Child?

It is estimated that 5,500 children are adopted annually in California. If you are interested in adopting, you will want to reach out to your local public adoption agency or the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Adoption Regional Office. You will be assigned a caseworker who will discuss what age child you are interested in adopting. The caseworker will also complete a family assessment, which will examine your home life to determine whether you can provide a safe and nurturing environment for a child. These “home studies” will evaluate if there is any evidence of drug or alcohol use, as well as any indication of violence in your home.

You also have the option of adopting through a private adoption agency. You will need to contact them directly to find out about how they handle the adoption process and fees. With private adoption agencies being privately funded, these agencies usually cost more than public adoption agencies.

The Role of a California Adoption Lawyer

Although an adoption lawyer can help you file the necessary court forms to finalize your adoption, they do much more. Our California adoption lawyers will prepare you on what to expect during the entire process. We know what an adoption agency is looking for in a “home study,” and we aim to put your mind at ease during your adoption journey.

Ready to Adopt? Contact our California Adoption Lawyers Today

The adoption process is rigorous and overwhelming. Our California adoption lawyers will walk you through the entire process from start to finish. We can help prepare you each step of the way. If you are considering adopting a child in California, contact our legal team today online or by phone to learn more.