What Kind of Damages Can You Demand in your CA Accident Case?
April 01, 2023If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, the physical, financial, and emotional losses you experience can make regaining your health and well-being especially challenging. In order to recover these losses, you will likely file a claim against the at-fault party’s insurance provider. If, however, the insurance company proves uninterested in engaging in fair negotiations, your experienced California personal injury attorney will be well prepared and well positioned to file a lawsuit against them – in focused pursuit of the compensation to which you are entitled.
Your Personal Injury Claim
Your personal injury case will be specific to you and the involved circumstances, but most claims fall into basic categories like the following:
Traffic accidents, including car, truck, motorcycle, bike, and pedestrian accidents
Slip and fall accidents, dog bites, and other premises liability cases
Accidents that lead to catastrophic injuries
Seeking Fair Compensation
You can seek compensation for legal damages – or losses – in a range of categories.
Property Damage
In a traffic accident, you will very likely experience property damage to your vehicle and its contents.
Medical Costs
The medical expenses you experience because of a negligence-based accident can be extensive and may need to include related ongoing costs. Additionally, serious injuries can lead to health complications and secondary medical concerns. It is important not to settle your claim prior to having a realistic understanding of your expected recovery process and prospective medical needs.
Lost Earnings
Even a relatively mild injury can cause you to experience temporarily decreased earnings. More serious injuries, however, can lead to lost earning potential and to a sidelined career trajectory. To complicate matters further, losses related to your career can also generate emotional consequences.
Physical and Emotional Pain and Suffering
The pain – both physical and emotional – that you endure as a result of being injured in an accident can be exacerbated by the fact that it was caused by someone else’s negligence. While you can’t point to this category of loss and puts prices on the pain you experience, it is, nevertheless, all too real and should be carefully addressed in your personal injury case.
Punitive Damages
When the at-fault party’s negligence is especially reckless or malicious, you can seek punitive damages. Instead of compensating you, this form of damage is intended to punish the negligent party while discouraging others from engaging in similar forms of negligence.
Discuss Your Case with an Experienced California Personal Injury Attorney Today
Finding your way forward after being injured by someone else’s negligence can be daunting, but the savvy personal injury attorneys at Bamieh & De Smeth – proudly serving both Ventura and Santa Barbara – are committed to using the full force of their experience and legal insight in pursuit of your case’s most advantageous resolution. Your case and your recovery are important, so please do not delay reaching out and contacting or calling us at 805-643-5555 for more information about how we can do to help you today.